Virtual Reality Fire Training

Fire VR is a Battery Low Interactive original B2B production with a laser-focused aim to promote fire safety through a simulated fire training program. 
The inspiration for fire VR first came through the horrific incident of the FR Tower fire incident. The whole incident left us with a lesson on the importance 
of not only public place fire safety but also workplace fire safety training and people being worried about it. Despite the fire incidents and severity of the 
matter at hand, most fire training is provided to only people working in the maintenance staff of organizations, offices, and buildings. Resulting in inadequate 
knowledge of handling fire incidents once one takes place. It aims to educate more people about the preventive measures that should be taken once a 
fire breaks out and so that anyone is well-equipped and informed about the steps in stopping the breakout.

To keep up with the time’s demand and plan ahead all the organizations and companies have started adapting The change with the new normal way.

Fire VR is a simulated training program. Where people will be shown multiple instructions in this simulation according to the game will be carried forward. Robi Axiata Ltd. has taken this initiative to enlighten its employees with fire training through virtual reality.

I am honored to work on this massive project.