AR Brochure
Battery low interactive has made a brochure which has AR (augmented reality) features in it. To experience this brochure, you will need a mobile app
named ‘AR brochure’, which is available in playstore and as for a very little amount of space in your smartphone. This brochure has two flip sides. The
front side contains information about the company's products, which is hardly boring. This side consists of 3 parts- taking you on a tour through the
clients, games, and products of BLI. When you place your camera in front of the brochure, some play buttons will pop up on the brochure, in the camera
screen. As you tap the play buttons, a video will be get started on the brochure!
When you flip the brochure and place it beneath your camera, a maze game will appear there. A ball is there and you have to take it to the end point
through the maze. You can hold the camera and move the brochure to move the ball